Averi Noelle Jorgensen was born on September 16, 2008 at 3:10 pm. She weighed 7 lbs 9 oz and was 20 inches long. She has a very tiny bit of brown hair, but it looks like she might be a blondie.
They started me on Pictocin at about 10 am, so after labor actually started, it only took about 4 hours. I did have an epidural (heavenly thing!), so it was much more enjoyable (if such a word can be used with regards to labor) than last time. I HIGHLY recommend it. She was my fastest baby to deliver; I only pushed through one contraction, and then she was so close that they decided not to even wait until the next contraction. Overall, it took about 3 minutes.
She's beautiful and quite mellow. Paul's still not quite sure what to think about her, and he still needs to learn the meaning of "gentle." Katie loves her and is always wanting to get her a blanket or pick out new clothes for her to wear. She's an old hand at this big sister business, so it didn't surprise us at all.
You didn't tell me you were having a baby!! Congratulations!!! She is soooo adorable.
Congratulations! She is so cute! She looks a lot like her brother and sister. Please call me if you need anything!
Congratulations Chelsey, your baby is so beautiful!! I am so glad she is here and after such a short labor!!! I love her name, it is so pretty! Let me know if there is anything I can do. We are so happy for you!!
Congratulations!!! She is beautiful and you look awesome! I don't think I would ever be brave enough to post my hospital pics.
Yeah!!! She is such a cute little tiny baby! I love the name! Congrats to you guys!
Congrats! She is absolutely adorbale and I love the name you chose - waiting until the last minute works well for you two, you work well under pressure! :o) Please call if you need anything!
congratulations!! I was wondering why you weren't at exercise class, since it was so hard to gauge how far along you were being way too perfect for pregnancy. Maybe you can be a surrogate mom for me:) And of course the labor part was so quick, man you got great genes!! I hope all is well and you don't need to come back to class too soon and make us all jealous. Tracy
Averi is beautiful! I'm so glad to hear your labor went so well. I can hardly believe she was 7 lbs. You make motherhood seem like a snap!
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