Saturday, August 29, 2009

What we did in Flagstaff...Part II

Wednesday: Slide Rock State Park and birthday party

I think that this was probably my favorite activity. We could have spent all day here. Slide Rock is located in Oak Creek Canyon just outside of Flagstaff, and the setting couldn't be prettier. It's a fun place to go for all ages: kids can wade in the shallow pools formed by the rocks and adults (or more adventurous kids) can swim in the deeper water, jump off the rocks, or go down the natural water chutes which are as good as any water park. As one person I overheard put it, "This isn't Disneyland. It's REAL!" We ate a picnic next to the creek and completely wore ourselves out swimming.

Chelsey, Matt, Jake, Kerry.

Katie and her Grammy.

See how deep parts of the creek are?

I love how Kerry is jumping completely flat-footed. He looks like he was pushed off the rock.

The aftermath of Paul's cherry-eating frenzy.

Katie and Paul with Grampy.

Chelsey jumping off. Boy, was that water cold!

Aaron, also jumping.

Katie wanted to jump as well, but she decided to stick with something smaller.

These little shallow areas were perfect for Averi. She was as happy as a lark.

So much fun!

Averi was so exhausted by the end of the afternoon that she fell asleep on Matt's shoulders on the way back to the car. I think it was one of the cutest things I've ever seen and I have about a million pictures of it.

That evening we had a little birthday party for Katie and the July birthdays (and a little bit for Paul as well, since his birthday is only a month away and we didn't want him to feel left out). Connie got them dressup costumes, and they were beyond thrilled. I can't even think of a way to describe how happy Katie looked. It was absolutely adorable.

This is the face. The "you just gave me a pony and he talks too" face.

The face again.

King Paul knighting Mom.

Did you know they made Nerf swords? Neither did I. They're perfect for a naturally violent boy like Paul.

Cinderella dancing with the prince. Can you tell that she's seen WAY too many princess movies? She even does the twirl out thing.

The prince and Sleeping Beauty.

Look, I'm Woody! Howdy howdy howdy!

Paul making his pirate growl.

Paul narrated all his actions for us that evening. "This pirate will play with you." "This pirate will tie you up." "This knight will dance with you." "This knight will kill you." It was like he was reading stage directions out loud.

The little mermaid, but much more modest.


Ms. Ashley Barnes said...

Aw man! You made me home-sick! I want to see you guys again soon; Katie and Paul look so grown up.