Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bad mother or just capturing the moment?

We were at a Fourth of July party, and all the adults were talking together.  We, of course, were assuming that our perfect angels were being just that: perfect angels.  Then one of my friends started laughing and said, “Chelsey, are you seeing this?”  And this is what we saw.




I have no idea how full it was when she started, but it was nearly empty when it was taken away.  And she didn’t spill a drop.  So I have to ask myself if I’m a bad mother for a) having no idea when or how my 1-year-old stole a 2-liter bottle of root beer, and b) not taking the soda away immediately; or if I’m a good mother for grabbing the camera first.

Here are some other pictures from our Independence Day extravaganza:



Kids doing snaps.  We could have gone through twice as many boxes of those.  They were a hit.  Averi popped one in her hand and didn’t even flinch.







Ms. Ashley Barnes said...

Ha ha, that's hilarious! I think you're an awesome mother for teaching her not to spill. That takes talent for someone that little to hold a bottle that big and not spill anything.